Operating Hours: 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday     |     Address: 12 Industrial Place, Yandina, QLD, 4561

2018 Komatsu D155AX-8 7,400 hrs. Stock No. 075

$ 525,900.00 plus GST

2018 Komatsu D155AX-8 with only 7,400 hours. Sigma blade, MS ripper, Very good under carriage, sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. Machine is fitted with Emergency stops inside and out side, Battery isolator switch, fire extinguisher, reverse camera, beacon and UHF $549,900 plus GST.

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2018 Komatsu D155AX-8 with only 7,400 hours. Sigma blade, MS ripper, Very good under carriage, sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. Machine is fitted with Emergency stops inside and out side, Battery isolator switch, fire extinguisher, reverse camera, beacon and UHF $549,900 plus GST.

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